Front and Center: Nature doesn't give a damn which political party you claim

Front and Center: Nature doesn't give a damn which political party you claim

This is the first in a series of weekly blogs by our founder Jim Petersen. Up Front is an editorial column in which Jim can address current events or other topics as he sees them. They will be posted every Friday. To read our series from this week, Covid Congratulations, click here for part one and here for part two.

What do you think about the Capitol Riots?

To our great surprise, several people who regularly troll our website have asked us what we “think” about the riots that erupted last week at our nation’s capital.

The Evergreen Foundation is a 501(c)(3) corporation – a non-profit. C3’s are incorporated for one of four purposes: scientific, educational, charitable or religious.

We incorporated in 1990 as an educational organization founded on scientific principles. Our sole reason for existing is to explain and promote science-based forestry and forest policies at all levels of government.

What do we think?

We think nature doesn’t give a damn which political party you claim.

Nature also doesn’t give a damn about human need.

Trees aren’t Republicans or Democrats.

Trees faithfully clean the air we breathe, cleanse the water we drink, provide fish and wildlife habitat and a wealth of year-round outdoor recreation opportunity. They also shelter us, package our goods and provide paper our printers.

States, tribes and private forest landowners are doing a good job of conserving and managing our forests. The future looks bright.

Our futureless federal government does a terrible job because Democrats and Republicans have shamelessly politicized the many sciences of forestry.

This is why more than 10 million acres of western forestland burned in 2020

It is why 33 people lost their lives fleeing flames.

It is why California’s August Complex Fire burned 1,032,648 acres across three national forests and six northern California counties. Our first million-plus acre wildfire since 1910.

It is why 10,448 buildings – mostly homes – were lost in California last year.

We look forward to the day when our federal government serves America’s citizens as well as forests and nature serve us.

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